Violent Media
Blog Post #3 Gerard Jones' essay on the impact violent media has on children covered a lot of ground. He talks about how certain media that may be considered inappropriate for children, such as comic books and rap music, helped him and many other kids not only cope with and escape the stresses of life, but also helped kids achieve a sense of self identity. Jones does touch on the fact that violent media can have a negative impact on children, but goes on to state that more young people are helped by it then are harmed. The discussion of violent media led me to think of how the media portrays violence, not necessarily in the form of entertainment or art, but how the news projects violent acts to the world. A recent example of this is the protests in Charlottesville, Virginia last month, where a group of white supremacists got together to protest the removal of a Confederate statue. Of course there was opposition to this protest, which led to a violent standoff where a man in a ca...